Mass Torts
For the last 3 years, we've help sign more mass tort clients than any other company in the world. We deliver higher volumes of clients at a lower-cost than other agencies because we're fully in-house and have no middlemen.
Mass Arbitrations
We are the pioneers of mass arbitration legal marketing and intake. No company has originated more mass arbitration clients.
We help in all aspects of setting up and managing resolvable mass action inventories.
Legal Intake
We have the most advanced and efficient legal intake department in the country. Full stop.
We've optimized our 24/7 intake team and their tools based on the data acquired from signing nearly 2 million clients and executing thousands of A/B tests.
Cold Lead Reengagement
Did another vendor or call center let you down?
We have the reps, tools and creative strategies to turn a high proportion of your cold leads into clients.